technically training

英 [ˈteknɪkli ˈtreɪnɪŋ] 美 [ˈteknɪkli ˈtreɪnɪŋ]

网络  技术培训



  1. In addition to being technically well-trained and disciplined, Indian software engineers have had extensive training in English.
  2. The basic management system of German canoeing is that national canoeing association supervises and guides technically, while local associations support and coordinate and clubs independently organize training, competition and relative entertainment.
  3. The whole main engine remote control system has the characteristics of flexibility, convenience, easy maintenance and high reliability in terms of hardware configure. It is technically advanced and functionally consistent with training requirements of the IMO and the National Maritime Bureau.
  4. Battle Simulation Training Apparatus is a kind of technically sophisticated and highly simulated simulation training system, which is designed for solving the problem that it is difficult and costs too much to organize the group training for the newly-deployed military combat system.